Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Birthday!!!, "before pictures,' and ... School Loans

So, I had a wonderful birthday a week and a half ago... :) I just got these pictures off my sister's and mom's blogs and thought I'd post it. I love having family around! These pictures were taken on my Happy Day. These were all my nieces and nephews that were able to make it to my party. Well, all except one. Baby Zachary was in the other room.

Here are some other pictures that I found on family blogs (I seem to only have my pictures taken with the youngest nieces and nephews... that does not mean I love them more!). These can be some of my 'before' pictures... I'll be cutting my hair in about... two and a half weeks! :)

This was taken at my best friend's wedding. I had to throw it in, because I think it's awesome!

Now for the last bit of info. I was going through my papers and found out that since I have only taken 9 credits this semester it might not count and my 6 month vacation from paying back school loans might be ending in October. So, I will not be buying a camera after all... at least not yet! Thanks for all your advice. I will have more time to look into getting a great deal now!


Amy said...

Way cute pictures! You are beautiful, Ash! I love that you are brave with your hair and it always looks awesome. I really love the wedding picture. Way cute!

Bruce said...

You're Cute! I think you will look good no matter what. Sad about the loan that has to be paid sooner than later! Happy last month of school! :)

Tricia said...

There are SO MANY nieces and nephews! That's so fun... I sometimes wish I had more, but then who would give them to me? Paige? Um, not yet. So, good luck with your hair cut, your camera hunting and loan payments. As you probably guessed, the vacation plans to go to Canada will be put on hold until later... I decided to buy a house... well, maybe:) Come visit Paige soon, so I can see ya!

Paige and Adam said...

Dear Girl you're adorable! I love love love the pictures of you and all the kidos. They just don't know how lucky they are to have an Aunt like you! Good luck with the loans?? Yuck! Money's no fun. Love the hair too! You always look gorgeous. If you're really trying to save on money, I'll cut it for free, that is if you don't care if you have a mole-it! HAH!