Tuesday, November 13, 2007

One of the BEST movies of all time!!!

Here's a funny clip from one of my favorite movies of all time! ENJOY!!!

Buona notte principessa (e principe)!!!


e.brooke said...
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e.brooke said...

Amen! The first two times that I saw this film was over 5 years ago. It is a terrific reminder of the power we each have for good in an evil world. Everyone should be loved like this!

e.brooke said...

I deleted my first comment due to a grammatical error! :)
They need to have spell check on these post a comments!

Lindsey Ricks Benedict said...

Ashley this movie isn't so great that it needs to be your last post! Get on with it already it has been far too long with out a post/update of your life~ ; )