Monday, February 23, 2009

A New Look...

So, today I decided I needed to change things on my blog. I also realized that all of my posts of late have to do with my puppy... and I guess there's a good reason for that. I don't have time to blog, but I couldn't let her grow up without anyone seeing her do it!

What have I been up to!? HOMEWORK! In fact, I have a paper due tomorrow and I haven't even started it yet. Not quite sure how I'm going to get it done either, but I'll think of something.

This semester I have been doing risk management research for the church. It's SUPER interesting! Lately, when I see people participating in various activities, I think about how an injury might occur and how the claim should be properly written. Yeah, I'm a nerd! BUT, the next time you plan an activity, I could tell you the statistics... like what percent of claims come from that activity. Then, maybe you would rethink things!? :)

Okay, so now I have successfully posted something other than "Bella news!" So, until next time, I hope you can all sleep better!


At Home! said...

I like the new look alot. How do you get those side photos on their etc? I like that too.

Our Family said...

Hey! How are you doing? Seems like things are going very well for you. Can't wait to meet your awesome dog!!!! See you soon???