Friday, June 17, 2011

1 Month old... and a little bit. :)

Well, Benson was officially a month old on Sunday and yesterday he hit the 5 week mark. CRAZY how fast time is moving! Here's some pictures of Benson's growth... he's growing FAST!

Quick Growth Info...
Birth: 9 lbs; 20.5 inches
5 days: 8 lbs 13 oz; 21.5 inches
14 days: 9 lbs 8 oz; 22 inches

Our puppy Chewie LOVES to be by Benson... sometimes we catch him trying to climb into Benson's swing even. Here's a picture of Chewie laying on the lazy boy while Benson is going to sleep.

Benson's first bath...

Playing with the cousins! Zachary is two now and we were laughing really hard as he kept trying to smash Benson's bink in. :)

Benson and Zachary chillin' on the couch.

After weeks of trying we've finally been able to take pictures of Benson's smile! :) He smiles much more now, which makes it easier to snap a few shots.

We are so happy that this little guy joined our family! We LOVE you, Benson!


At Home! said...

I need to hold him so much!!! The smile ones make me giggle!!! What a beautiful little/big boy...he needs his grandma to hold him and watch those smiles!!!

Carters said...

So adorable! He's got an amazing smile. Kids are so much work, but SO fun!

Elisa said...

Love him! Can't wait to come snuggle him again! Here I come Benson Boy! :)

Roger and Victoria said...

Oh my gosh, what a cutie! Well done you two ;)