Wednesday, August 24, 2011

We were visiting family and my cousin Sara took this picture of Benson. Benson is learning to really love his little stuffed animals... this one is his favorite right now. :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Three months old tomorrow!!!
These pictures were taken right before I went in for my gall bladder surgery. This was the last time I really saw Benson for a whole week! He grew WAY too fast!

Since we don't have any family pictures... we tried to get some.

Chewie can't see us sitting on the couch without trying to work his way onto our laps. He's not the smallest lap dog ever...

We figured we might as well get a picture with our other two (more hight maintenance than Benson) kids.

However, the best two of the rest of us are with Lillie yawning...

At the very end of her yawn... doesn't she remind you of Sid on Ice Age!? :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

2 Months... not the best picture, but the only one I have at 2 months.

Not quite 3 months... can you tell the difference!? He's lots bigger and has more hair! :)